G & J Steel & Tubing, Inc.
406 Roycefield Rd. Hillsborough, NJ 08844 USA
Phone: 908.526.4445
Call: 1.800.FAB.TUBE Fax: 908.526.9487
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Machining & Finishing
Machining includes various slot patterns, shapes, notches, chamfers, miter angles, etc.
Finishing services include special cleaning, degreasing, passivating and pickling. We also offer anodizing, plating and painting as required. We offer pre-plated materials such as GalFan™, Copper-Flash and Aluminized coating. For those services that require outside vendors, we have developed relationships with many outstanding sub-contract manufactures to perform services at the highest level of quality.
Heat treating, annealing and hardening is performed as required using the highest quality sub-contract vendors including GE certification.
Special part marking or packaging services are available to meet your requirements.